Joseph Raina, a seasoned Senior Animator at Jose Animation Studios, stands as a beacon for African storytelling and environmental advocacy through the medium of 3D animation. Renowned for projects like “SOS Ocean,” Joseph has consistently utilized animation to elevate African narratives and shed light on pressing environmental concerns.
Beyond his pivotal role at Jose Animation Studios, Joseph is deeply committed to fostering inclusivity in the animation industry, notably through the Inuka Animation Programme, where he mentors and trains aspiring female animators.
Elevated to the position of Assistant Secretary of the Association of Animation Artiste Kenya, Joseph embarks on a mission to unlock Kenya’s potential as a vibrant hub for animation. His vision is underpinned by a dedication to forging strategic partnerships in economics, policy, and education across Africa and its diaspora, catalyzing the growth of a robust animation ecosystem with Kenya at its forefront.
Punch phrase
" The true measure of a creative mind is the ability to mesmerize."